Not really.
He’s actually joined by fellow F4 buddy Kim Hyun Joong in this just released MV of his latest solo Joon, Be Ok from T-Max’s new album.
As reported earlier, Hyun Joong took time from his busy schedule to make a cameo on this MV. I’ve been searching for the full video since last week but apparently it was just released yesterday.
I’m glad that Kim Joon is finally getting the spotlight he truly deserves. Such a lovely guy. And he actually sings and dances!
Watch all the hotness after the jump.
Credits: SMarie7 for the video
gmana tuch,,ko’ jd gtu sech???
f4 kerend banget….
tapi mau smpai kpn buat aku jd gila tiap mlm???
laen kali konser ke indonesia yapzzz……
im the number 1 fan of bof and kim joon
i also love lee min ho and kim joon