Sonia meets Cyrus and pays back the P1-M that KSS owed him. She tells him that she pawned their house so that Cyrus won’t be able to harass her daughter again.

Cyrus asks Chef Dina for help to get KSS back.

At home, KSS decides to forget all about Cyrus. She hears someone singing Ikaw. She goes outside and sees Cyrus and the restaurant staff serenading her. Cyrus tells her that he’s ready to do anything to get her back but KSS won’t budge.

In school, Kokoy continues to ignore Eliza but he gets into a fight with Aaron when the latter harassed her. Eliza thinks that everything is okay between them but Kokoy tells her that he only saved her because of her mom. Later, Eliza sees Kokoy with Des.

Ako Si Kim Sam Soon (Episode 44)

KSS tells everyone to leave but Cyrus refuses to go.

Cyrus’s mom forces Chef Dina to tell her where Cyrus is. After she leaves, Chef Dina confronts James and Cynthia. She thinks that the two may be the ones telling Cyrus’s mom about what’s happening at the restaurant. Cynthia gets depressed over Cyrus.

Meantime, it’s already dark and Cyrus is still waiting outside. KSS tells him that she will never forgive him for what he did. Dodong sees Cyrus and the two get in a fight.

Ako Si Kim Sam Soon (Episode 60)

Cyrus’s mom arrives with a gun and forces everyone to leave his son alone. However, Cyrus is intent on getting KSS back and refuses to leave. KSS tells her to prove his love by doing all their household chores. Cyrus agrees to his mom’s dismay.

Myla writes news stories for a living and watches K-dramas for leisure. She enjoys doing both for Hallyudorama.

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