Unless you’re living under a rock, it would be nearly impossible not to hear about the Taiwanese F4’s reunion performance last night. Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou, Vanness Wu, and Ken Chu were together once again for Jiangsu TV’s Kuaishou “One Thousand and One Nights” and right now, OG fans are crying, in a good way.

F4 reunion 2020
2020 F4 reunion teaser

I think that’s pretty acceptable given that the group was last seen together performing seven years ago, again with Jiangsu TV. However, because of the restrictions, it was only Vanness Wu who performed live at the venue while the three others were CG-ed onstage (they also practiced physical distancing). The fans’ response were overwhelming and online, #F4Reunion trended on Twitter. Even if they only sang two of their popular songs, Meteor Rain and Di Yi Shi Jian, seeing them reunited only brought back good memories. Even the host of the show had a nostalgic look on his face. With 2020 being a difficult time for everyone, it was a good feeling to hear the songs from almost 20 years back.

Boys Over Flowers in Japan Plus BTS/NG

We hope we’ll see F4 again in a few years and I bet, fans are still hoping for a reunion concert. We can always dream right?

F4 reunion 2020

F4 Meteor Rain – 30 October 2020

F4 sings Di Yi Shi Jian – 30 October 2020

Hannah is a lover of anything Korean— may it be their dramas, music, or food. She has been to South Korea for n number of times, but she still can’t get enough of it.Seoul has become her second...

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