UPDATE: For those asking for Kim Bum’s schedule, our source says he will be on Wowowee and Entertainment Live this Saturday.

As promised, we bring you updates about Kim Bum’s visit to the Philippines.

LOL on Phoemela Barranda and Marie Lozano calling our beloved Kim Bum a BUM! He’s not a homeless person, you guys. LMAO.

Bummie’s looking a bit haggard, don’t you think? Still cute though. And we love him even more for wanting to make a personal donation to the typhoon victims. 🙂

Kim Bum is a musician in a new drama

Anyway, Hanneebuff and I are trying our best to get some serious Kim Bum sighting. We’ll keep you posted. Wish us luck!

Credits: meoluvdenmi‘s YouTube Channel

Myla writes news stories for a living and watches K-dramas for leisure. She enjoys doing both for Hallyudorama.

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  1. oh…gOsH…..

    sarangae my kiM bum…!!!!!

    i’m sO sad..i missed the chanCe tO see u in persOn..

    DAMN!!!it was sO disguStinG!!!!

    bUt i wiLl dO my bEsT jUst to get the cha nce to see u..

    i wiLL gO thEre..iN sOutH Korea anD i wILL marrY yOu..

    hehehe!!! B)

    aHnyounG hee ga se yo..
    gwiyeowoyo.. sarangaeyo..

    dangsinege banhaetsseumnida…

    i love you, yeingwonHi,,,…. +_+

  2. kim bum is sO handsOme even in any hairstyLe..

    aNd wHoever fUckinG huMan hated him
    shouLd beware…

    Sinnayo to sEe u in person..

    gewn-chan-soum-nida, i knOw the time wiLl cOme

    that u and me will be together..hehehehe!!Urin seoro chonnune..

    Nae namjachinguga doeejullae?

    kamsa hamnida for cOmin here in the

    pHILIPPINES…taKe caRe aLwaYs..

    SARANGAE… +_+

  3. aaaaaaannnnnnnnnggggggggg ccccccccccccuuuuuuuuuutttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttllllllllllllgggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaa nnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaa

  4. i wish i could see you someday ,i hope so !!!!!!
    but i wish and i dream that i could see you someday thank you for making us happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Kim Bum I am Korea i just stay in the Phil……………………………………. Kamsahamnida ije yongwoniran kudael so shreut grame……………………. Saranghae/Sarangheyo

  6. Kim Bum I live in Korea i just stay in the Phil……………………………………. Kamsahamnida ije yongwoniran kudael so shreut grame……………………. Saranghae/Sarangheyo

  7. hai.. kim bum I LOVE YOU………………………………..your my idol…. hope you comeback in the phillipines….

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